Certificate of Training in Adult Weight Management
- Event
- Thursday, September 06, 2007 - Saturday, September 08, 2007
Las Vegas, NevadaTo register online or to obtain a registration form and to view the certificate requirements, timeline, registration deadlines and agenda:
Participation is limited. Please reserve your place on or before the registration deadline. Past certificate programs have been filled to capacity several days prior to the registration deadline. CDR strongly recommends that flight arrangements and hotel reservations not be finalized until written registration confirmation is received. The registration fee is $345. Registration includes the home study module, 2-1/2 day on-site workshop and post-test. The Adult Weight Management program is approved for 28 CPE units, -- Level II. Program participants must pass the pre-test to attend the on-site program. All program participants will receive continuing professional education units; however, only those who pass the post-test will receive the certificate. Participants will only be given one opportunity to take the post-test.
To register for a certificate of training program by phone, please call CDR at 1/800-877-1600, ext. 5500.