ADA/AMIA 10x10 Informatics Education Program

  • Event
  • Saturday, February 05, 2011 - Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The American Dietetic Association and the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) are excited to offer you an opportunity to participate in the 10x10 Informatics Education Program. This program is made possible through collaboration with Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). If you are working in the area of nutrition informatics or are interested in pursuing new career opportunities, then this program is for you!

What is the 10x10 program?
•The 10x10 program was established in 2005 with the aim to train health care and related professionals in medical informatics. The 10x10 program continues to provide introductory training to build the workforce that will enable information technology to improve the quality, safety, and cost-effectiveness of health care.
•This specific 10x10 program is the first to be taught with a focus on nutrition and the growing field of nutrition informatics. The second offering of this course will integrate nutrition related content in each chapter of the course.

What is the cost and what does it entail?
•Tuition for the complete program is $2,000.
•The ADA Foundation is offering a limited number of educational stipends to support member participation in this course. Members can apply for these educational stipends by completing a short application found at .
•The course is offered in two parts: a 12-unit Web-based component followed by an intensive one-day in-person session held in conjunction with the ADA FNCE September 24-27th, 2011 in San Diego, California.
oThe Web-based portion is provided through readings, lectures, interactive discussion, and self-assessment tests. While these are done at your own pace, there are specific completion dates for each unit and its accompanying quiz.
oThe in-person session, to be held on Saturday, September 24, 2011 at FNCE will bring attendees together to integrate the material, allow presentation of course projects, and meet leaders in the field as well as other students.
oADA will provide 5 free registrations to FNCE for members who enroll in this course. Course participants will be selected via a random drawing. The 5 winners of the free FNCE registrations will be notified on May 10, 2011.
oIf you are unable to attend the FNCE in-person session, you will need to inform OHSU distance learning staff. As an alternative to attendance, you will be assigned another project (e.g., final paper, presentation via video conferencing).
oIf you complete the course, AMIA will provide you with a 1-year membership in AMIA (a value of $275.00).
oYou may take the optional final exam and receive graduate credit from OHSU for the course.

Who is the faculty for the course?
•William Hersh, MD, Oregon Health & Science University is the course director and instructor. Dr. Hersh is an international expert in the field of biomedical informatics training (visit the following web site for more information:
•In addition, three ADA members will serve as course instructors (Lindsey Hoggle, Marty Yadrick and Elaine Ayres).

What is the registration process?
•Registration can be completed by using the following link to the AMIA web site:
•In order to participate in the program, you must register by April 13, 2011.
•The program begins on April 13, 2011 and ends on September 24th at FNCE.
•The program will offer 51.5 CPE credits as approved by the American Dietetic Association.
•All assigned readings are either freely available on-line or provided by OHSU. You are expected to keep up with the materials each week and participate in ongoing discussion. You should anticipate spending 4-8 hours per week on the course.

Needing more information?
•For questions regarding the registration, payment, receipts, or invoices, please contact Susanne Vellucci at AMIA ( .
•If you have questions regarding the curriculum or technology for the course, contact: Lindsey Hoggle (, Marty Yadrick ( or Elaine Ayres (

Given the recent national focus on a critical need for health professionals trained in health information technology and informatics, this is an excellent educational opportunity. Visit AMIA’s web site for more details. Don’t delay, check it out and see if this program will be helpful to your career. Please pass this along to other ADA members who may be interested in this special opportunity.
Susanne Vellucci
WSAND President

Washington State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Welcome, members!

The 2024-2025 year presents various opportunities for you to engage and feel proud to be member of the WA Academy. As your President, I’m honored to serve you, and here to listen, learn, and collaborate with the board to meet your expectations. Tell us what you think - we want to hear from you!

Marissa Beck (2024-25 Washington State President)