Washington State Academy - Board Nominations

  • Event
  • Friday, September 06, 2013 - Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Interested in volunteering?

The Washington State Academy Nominating Committee is accepting nominations for the following positions:

President-Elect: Serves a total of three years, including President-Elect for one year, as President the following year, and then as Past President for one year.

Secretary: Serves a two-year term as a voting member of the Executive Board.

Director of Communications: Serves a two-year term as a voting member of the Executive Board.

Nominating Committee Chair-Elect (1 position) and Committee Member (1 open position): Each serves a total of two years. The candidate who received the highest number of votes becomes Nominating Committee Chair-Elect and serves as Nominating Committee Chair-Elect for one year and Chair the following year. The Chair serves as a voting member of the Executive Board.

We hope you will volunteer! Link here to submit your nomination.
Michelle Weinbender, RD, CD
WSAND President

Washington State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Welcome, members!

The 2024-2025 year presents various opportunities for you to engage and feel proud to be member of the WA Academy. As your President, I’m honored to serve you, and here to listen, learn, and collaborate with the board to meet your expectations. Tell us what you think - we want to hear from you!

Marissa Beck (2024-25 Washington State President)