Washington State Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group

Books and other resources

These resources are intended primarily for use by health care professionals.

General Pediatric Nutrition

Bright Futures: Nutrition, 3nd edition (2011).  Holt K, Wooldridge, NH, Story, M, Sofka D, eds., National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.

  • The nutrition guide emphasizes prevention and early recognition of nutrition concerns and provides developmentally-appropriate nutrition supervision guidelines for infancy through adolescence.

Bright Futures in Practice: Nutrition, 2nd edition (2002)

Handbook of Pediatric Nutrition, 4rd edition. (2012) Samour PQ and King K. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

  • A clinical reference manual on pediatric nutrition for the health care provider
  • Provides an overview of normal growth and nutrition needs for infants to adolescents 
  • Addresses therapeutic issues for a variety of chronic and acute conditions

Knowledge Path: Child and Adolescent Nutrition. National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH).

Pediatric Nutrition Handbook, 6th edition (2009). American Academy of Pediatrics.

  • A reference on the nutritional requirements and effects of nutrition on the health of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.
  • www.nfaap.org

Nutrition During Infancy, Principles and Practice. (1997) Tsang RC, ed. Digital Educational Publishing, Inc.

  • Information about perinatal nutrition, including sections on breastfeeding, weaning and management of chronically ill children.

Pediatric Nutrition Support. (2007). Baker SS, Baker RD and Davis A. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.

  • This book provides coverage of the latest developments in enteral and parenteral feeding and evaluation.

ADA Pocket Guide to Pediatric Nutrition Assessment. (2008). Leonberg B. American Dietetic Association.

  • This tool is a guide to nutrition assessment and nutrient requirements of infants and children, including screening, risk assessment, assessment of growth, health history and development, diet and feeding and the family environment
  • Order through AND at https://www.eatright.org/shop/product.aspx?id=4965

Nutrition for children with special health care needs

Nutrition Interventions for Children with Special Health Care Needs, 3rd. edition (2010) WA DOH

Nutrition Focus for Children with Special Health Care Needs. University of Washington.

  • Newletter published six times a year at subscription price of $45 (or $65 if joining associated listserv)
  • Each issue focuses on a specific topic and includes practical strategies and resources
  • Sharon Feucht, editor
  • For additional information see:  http://depts.washington.edu/nutrfoc/webapps/

Pocket Guide to Children with Special Health Care and Nutritional Needs. (2012) Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Pediatric Nutrition in Chronic Diseases and Developmental Disorders, 2nd edition. (2005) Oxford University Press

  • Includes information on nutrition and growth and nutrition evaluation
  • Overview of nutrition in developmental disorders, chronic disease, hereditary metabolic disorders

WSAND President

Washington State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Welcome, members!

The 2024-2025 year presents various opportunities for you to engage and feel proud to be member of the WA Academy. As your President, I’m honored to serve you, and here to listen, learn, and collaborate with the board to meet your expectations. Tell us what you think - we want to hear from you!

Marissa Beck (2024-25 Washington State President)