Welcome to the Washington State Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group
The Washington State Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group (WA-PNPG) is a practice group of the Washington State Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
The Pediatric Nutrition Practice Group promotes the nutritional health of infants, children and adolescents in Washington State through education and networking opportunities for pediatric nutrition professionals. Join our Facebook group!
News and Events
Join our Facebook group! Open to current WA-PNPG members only. Click here to join.
Join/Renew Your WA-PNPG Membership Online!
Mail-in membership option is still available. Click here to learn more.
Upcoming Conferences and Trainings:
Tuesday, 5/22- Friday, 5/25/2018, Seattle: Assuring Pediatric Nutrition in the Hospital and Community. This 4-day intensive training also includes a shorter option for advanced practitioners. Click here for more information.
- To sponsor educational events and speakers on topics related to pediatric nutrition
- To provide a statewide forum for networking on pediatric issues
- To update members on nutrition resources for pediatric nutrition professionals
- To increase coordination and collaboration between hospital-based and community dietitians to insure continuity of care for infants, children, and adolescents
2017-18 WA-PNPG Board
Chair - Courtney Davis, MS, RDN, CD
Chair-elect - Cheryl Polasek, RD, CD
Secretary - Annie Becker, RD, CD
Treasurer - Dana Stretchberry, MSPH, RD, CD
Past-Chair/Nominating Committee Chair - Connie Warner, MS, RDN, CD
Nominating Committee - Open Position
Nominating Committee - Open Position